Any Mach-E owners on the forum?


Ford Lightning Forum
Staff member
May 21, 2021
Just curious if there are any Mach-E owners on the forum? I've only see a couple on the road in my area. How are you liking it? Any problems?
I haven't seen too many on the road, maybe 2.... and they sure are quiet! Better looking in person than the pictures as well.
I have a MME First Edition. I've had it 3 months and no problems. I've also done a road trip from Houston to Phoenix and back with no problems with charging on the road. I bought the MME to get me ready for the Lightning and to get used to driving with an EV.
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I have a MME First Edition. I've had it 3 months and no problems. I've also done a road trip from Houston to Phoenix and back with no problems with charging on the road. I bought the MME to get me ready for the Lightning and to get used to driving with an EV.

Welcome to the forum @MacMike - Glad to hear your experience with the MachE has been good so far!
I have a MME First Edition. I've had it 3 months and no problems. I've also done a road trip from Houston to Phoenix and back with no problems with charging on the road. I bought the MME to get me ready for the Lightning and to get used to driving with an EV.
That's awesome! How long of charge times did you find you had to do on your stops along the way?
That's awesome! How long of charge times did you find you had to do on your stops along the way?Most of my charging took anywhere from 25 too 45 minutes
Most of my charging took anywhere from 25 to 45 minutes depending on SOC. My longest charge was 55 minutes when I pulled in with a 5% SOC.
Most of my charging took anywhere from 25 to 45 minutes depending on SOC. My longest charge was 55 minutes when I pulled in with a 5% SOC.
Not bad at all! Were there any limitations in regards to charging power or did all the charging stations offer the max charging capabilities?