Does vehicle color matter?


New member
Sep 5, 2021
San Antonio
This will be my first ev and this may be a silly question but does the vehicle color have an impact on the battery life and range? For example, I live in Central Texas so will buying a black lightning decrease battery life and range due to the vehicle being warmer than say a lighter color lightning?
Personally I don't think it will matter that much(as in: if any, the difference is probably very small). I don't have any concrete data to back that up, but if color mattered we'd have already heard this as it would also reduce ICE MPG
This will be my first ev and this may be a silly question but does the vehicle color have an impact on the battery life and range? For example, I live in Central Texas so will buying a black lightning decrease battery life and range due to the vehicle being warmer than say a lighter color lightning?
I don't know either but I do live in Texas and I know a black vehicle will get 20 or more degrees hotter and that kills a battery. I know when you are charging the pump comes on to keep the battery cooler to protect the battery but maybe the pump will come on or you can set it in the aps to cool it if it gets to hot but then you will lose milage. I am going with Ice blue silver or Star White.
This will be my first ev and this may be a silly question but does the vehicle color have an impact on the battery life and range? For example, I live in Central Texas so will buying a black lightning decrease battery life and range due to the vehicle being warmer than say a lighter color lightning?
My 2cents would be it doesn’t matter. Yes a black body gets hotter but the energy to cool the interior of a black vehicle vs a white is negligible.

If black EVs had a big energy difference, We’d see other EV maker owners posting about it as they’ve changed colors as they got different EVs that have been out for the past several years.

The lighting has massive battery cooling tech and so the heat of the body should not have much if any difference on range.