I pulled my boat and milage when crazy.

I pulled my boat 1/2 mile then charged it to 100% and now it shows 160 miles tell empty. I cleared my driving history and drove 30 miles and now i am recharging it. steal show 170 miles tell empty. Has anyone had this problem or know what is going on. I have never set up a trailer on the truck.
I've towed my camper successfully MANY times, and probably more than 14,000 of the 28,000 plues miles on the truck, and yes, a few times the 'guessometer' would stick on the range for 'towing', when I was NO LONGER towing the camper. There was no way to 'reset' it, or to get it to go back to 'normal' range....even when I called FORD they couldn't help.
It just takes time for the truck to finally realize that you are not towing... it's only the guessometer that's tripped up, not the battery or the SOC %... they all work just fine.
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I've towed my camper successfully MANY times, and probably more than 14,000 of the 28,000 plues miles on the truck, and yes, a few times the 'guessometer' would stick on the range for 'towing', when I was NO LONGER towing the camper. There was no way to 'reset' it, or to get it to go back to 'normal' range....even when I called FORD they couldn't help.
It just takes time for the truck to finally realize that you are not towing... it's only the guessometer that's tripped up, not the battery or the SOC %... they all work just fine.
Thanks after you replied I went out to my truck and started it up and a message popped up and asked if I had a trailer connected and I said no then it readjusted my mileage to 314 miles tell empty. You are right Ford could not tell me anything just sent me to 4 deference people a real waste of time.