I've had my Pro for 3 days now


New member
Jul 16, 2022
I did not have a positive Courtesy Delivery experience. 'Nuff said.

To the good stuff; Flat land, as that's all I've done so far, the range seems to be pretty close. The longest trip involved some hills, and was taken with the AC on both ways. Running with traffic, and at times a bit harder. Showed 8% of battery to the climate control, 85% to moving the truck around, then, my bad, the outlets got turned on at some point. Nothing plugged in, so it added in with the other accessory loads, like lights and running the AC while I munched a sandwich at lunch. Mine is set to allow the outlets to drain the battery down to 0 miles if I'm reading it right, and so far isn't letting me change that. The truck alerted my phone as I was walking back from my day working to the contractor's lot. I didn't turn them on, so I'll have to look into whether somebody at a job site could turn on the outlets in the bed to charge tools without my activating the system. With climate control off today, as the weather's cooled down, it did very well. Plugged it in when I got home, and, within my electric company's non-peak hours, it charged up in 3 hours 11 minutes for 19% to get back to 100%. Need to go back to a job site tomorrow, so it's all set to go. The frunk makes a fairly loud noise when it first unlocks, a fairly loud pop. Need to check that out.
I had to visit a gas station today. my windshield was covered with bugs.
Smooth, quiet, no fuss. Been on one pedal the whole time. Took all of50 feet to adjust to that. Like a shuttle, without reverse. It's a truck, so rough roads aren't luxury car smooth, but quite acceptable. For a street vehicle, the acceleration is quite competent. A blown fuel digger it ain't. It will get right with the program though. I'd recommend driving it in a safe place prior to matting it out. It could easily get away from you in tight quarters. Power to weight isn't that spectacular, but the delivery is peak at all sane street/road speeds. It's particularly noticeable from the hit to about 50.
The pro has a nice touch screen, which I'm still working on identifying all the gizmos. Not as big as the fancy versions, but as big as I'd want it. Still looking for some real-estate to mount my radio in. I'll need to figure out where to drill for an NMO mount. I've got a fairly light tool load in it right now, which drives my wife nuts, as I have several boxes in the mud room waiting to get stowed. The home charger freaked out and I had to recommission it. It's not a Ford Version. Before it did that, it showed I'd charged 105 kw. I have a 40 amp charge station set up at my house. That comes to 9.6 kw/h available to the truck. It's showing 40.6 amps out of the wall on my app. Got the battery down to 81% today, 71% yesterday, and it was 58% or so the first day. At 100% this evening, it shows 218 miles available. My foot isn't light all the time. The Cruise control works well, and is intuitive. When in one-pedal, get your foot ready for the accelerator prior to deactivating cruise. It will slow very quickly in regen if your not ready to take over. I tend to drive with the Cruise buttons when out on the freeway.

Delivered with ~26 miles on the clock. Now at 258.

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How are the seats? Ford generally has good seats but, invariably, the wife has been the source of me getting rid of cars because the passenger seat is uncomfortable and lacking lumbar support. The Pro doesn't have lumbar adjustment, but does it have good lower back support? Would hate to spend $25K more to get decent seats
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The seats are serviceable. I find them comfortable, and they look nice. These are work truck seats with limited adjustment. You have forward and back with the pan, and the seat back reclines. The headrest is adjustable. Yep, that's about it. The material looks to be heavy, and capable of taking years of abuse. The back seat is comfortable enough. I'd say go find one, sit in it, and see if you can live with it. If not, maybe look for some recent Ford Seats at a Yard that you can live with. It's very similar to the seats in a coworker's 5.0 F-150, but you'll need to check the rails to see if they're compatible and if it's worth the time and fabrication. For me, nah. The seats are better than most work trucks I've had. The rear is miles ahead of anything out of a 3+3 crummy of old.
If it'll do, call your Fleet person/provider.

Hope that helps!

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A bit over three weeks, Mileage has come up to greater than advertised. Quiet, Really quiet. Love it!

The funny angles on the halo's sure gut a lot of bugs. Gonna be Washing that area a lot. The "Grill" area, also a bug magnet. I see lots of scrubbing....

Heading over the mountains in a few.... Report to follow...

The seats are serviceable. I find them comfortable, and they look nice. These are work truck seats with limited adjustment. You have forward and back with the pan, and the seat back reclines. The headrest is adjustable. Yep, that's about it. The material looks to be heavy, and capable of taking years of abuse. The back seat is comfortable enough. I'd say go find one, sit in it, and see if you can live with it. If not, maybe look for some recent Ford Seats at a Yard that you can live with. It's very similar to the seats in a coworker's 5.0 F-150, but you'll need to check the rails to see if they're compatible and if it's worth the time and fabrication. For me, nah. The seats are better than most work trucks I've had. The rear is miles ahead of anything out of a 3+3 crummy of old.
If it'll do, call your Fleet person/provider.

Hope that helps!

WRT finding seats in a yard, I don't think it's that simple considering these seats all have air bags in them and they probably have to be programmed. Perhaps someone more knowledgeable than me who actually knows about this can chime in.