Lightning verse Hybrid

If they would make an F150 hybrid with the same features as the F150 Lightning pro, then it would be an easy choice. I’d go for the hybrid. They should make a hybrid with vinyl floor, vinyl seats, 12 inch screen, and pro power from the Lightning pro. Unfortunately, you can only get the hybrid with carpet floor and fabric or leather seats.
The typical Hybrid is a non-starter for me, as what you REALLY want, if you are 'comparing/considering' the difference or bridging the gap between the full-EV Lightning, and the similar F150 'Hybrid', as a PLUG - IN HYBRID(PHEV). Most folks might not understand the difference, but it is HUGE!

A PHEV(plug-in Hybrid) variation of the typical hybrid is truly the 'bridge' between all-EV vehicles and 'almost-EV' vehicles. The main difference between the typical 'hybrid' that many manufacturers produce, and the PHEV, is the ability for the driver to CHOOSE whether to drive in 'Hybrid' mode, 'Engine' mode, or 'ELECTRIC ONLY' mode. The last one is the KEY.

A PHEV allows you to drive the vehicle just like a full-EV, in Electric-Only mode', as much as you wish, without the engine EVER coming on, as long as you have the battery power, just like an EV.
The great 'bridge' between the two different types is also the ability to do away with 'range anxiety', since you always have that 'engine' to fall back on.

If you are considering a bridge between the EV and a Hybrid, find a PHEV to be able to Plug-in to charge, and drive in 'EV' mode. It's fantastic. Your daily commute might always be in EV Only mode, and your longer trips can be in either 'Hybrid' mode, where the battery helps the engine, and also gets CHARGED by the engine, or in 'Engine only' mode, where you are basically telling the vehicle to leave the battery power at it's LEVEL, and only use the engine, maybe to use the Battery power later in the trip, while in the inner-city, traffic, etc.

EV: Battery Power only
PHEV: Battery Power and Engine Power, with EV only drive mode, Hybrid mode, and Engine only mode
Hybrid: really only a small battery to 'help' with fuel conservation, buy rarely any way to drive in 'EV' mode only. The vehicle decides, not the driver.

Of course, until a manufacturer, like Ford, decides to build a PHEV version of the F150, Ranger, or even the Maverick, none of this matters. I am hoping that Ford will bring out the Maverick in all forms, including regular ICE, 'hybrid', AND the PHEV version, or the Ranger, or even the Lightning, although the name might need to be changed to: Thunder.
A PHEV would be nice as long as the price increase compared to the hybrid version is not that much. The Rav4 prime is pretty much the same as the Rav4 hybrid wit with a 17kWh battery instead of a 1.5kWh battery. That extra 15.5kWh adds $10,725 to the MSRP and dealers were already adding $5k on top of that even before prices went crazy in the last year. So that is effectively a mark up of $1k per kWh.

The Rav4 hybrid goes about 40mpg, so it costs about $0.13 per mile in California at $5 gallon. Driving on electricity about $0.07 per mile at the current off peak rate of $0.25kWh. I would have to drive 250,000 local miles to break even.