Reservations will be converted to orders starting 10/28/2021

From a dealer on another forum:
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I ordered on day three and by that time there were 44,000 orders If that helps
It is just over 10,910,000. That is actually a goofy number. I wish they had just started with the number one.
Thank you I am 10888338 on 5/21/2021 i have not been getting any email or up dates but i found out today that they had my email in all caps so i just got it changed
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Thank you I am 10888338 on 5/21/2021 i have not been getting any email or up dates but i found out today that they had my email in all caps so i just got it changed
It looks like I am about 22,000 behind you in the que. I ordered on 5/23
From reservation list, 10,14x,xxx looks like lowest. Recognizing that the list is a very small sample of the 150,000 reservations and 10,88x,xxxx got an email to order, I’m guessing when you reserved is not as important as where you reserved.

BTW - I meet with local Ford dealer tomorrow and my number is 10,23x,xxx.
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From reservation list, 10,14x,xxx looks like lowest. Recognizing that the list is a very small sample of the 150,000 reservations and 10,88x,xxxx got an email to order, I’m guessing when you reserved is not as important as where you reserved.

BTW - I meet with local Ford dealer tomorrow and my number is 10,23x,xxx.
You might be right about where one lives. I am in central New York. I would bet being from a smaller city helps me.
From reservation list, 10,14x,xxx looks like lowest. Recognizing that the list is a very small sample of the 150,000 reservations and 10,88x,xxxx got an email to order, I’m guessing when you reserved is not as important as where you reserved.

BTW - I meet with local Ford dealer tomorrow and my number is 10,23x,x

I have not gotten an email yet 10888338 Sorry for any confusion.
For what it's worth, my number is 108,28X,XXX and I have NOT received anything from Ford or my dealer. I would love to see a copy of these various things people have received to "see for my own eyes" that they are Ford branded. I'm skeptical that the messages (?) are genuine.
For what it's worth, my number is 108,28X,XXX and I have NOT received anything from Ford or my dealer. I would love to see a copy of these various things people have received to "see for my own eyes" that they are Ford branded. I'm skeptical that the messages (?) are genuine.
No email here. Salesman said let’s talk.
I talked to my Dealer today and he knows nothing He said they have to get rid of the 2021 before they can start working on the 2022 and Ford is doing a demo in Houston Texas on Oct 28 that he is attending and he hopes to get all the information and give it to use he said he has 150 reservation. I don't know if that is just that dealership or all of Houston.
I talked to my Dealer today and he knows nothing He said they have to get rid of the 2021 before they can start working on the 2022 and Ford is doing a demo in Houston Texas on Oct 28 that he is attending and he hopes to get all the information and give it to use he said he has 150 reservation. I don't know if that is just that dealership or all of Houston.
Will the Houston demo be open to the public?