Where is the lightning going to be built

1st ford

New member
Jul 8, 2021
Is the factory new or being converted from an older factory? Is the factory ready or on schedule to start production on time? Any rumors about delays to starting production?
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I live in Austin and drive by the new Tesla plant every week. Its quite the project and still a long way from starting production. I assume tesla will be having more delays.
I live in Austin and drive by the new Tesla plant every week. Its quite the project and still a long way from starting production. I assume tesla will be having more delays.

It's massive! We just flew out of Austin-Bergstrom Airport for a trip and the plane went right over it. Looks like they are making some good progress.
Ford has built a new plant where the Rouge plat was just for the electric Truck.

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Is the factory new or being converted from an older factory? Is the factory ready or on schedule to start production on time? Any rumors about delays to starting production?
Is there somebody on this forum who lives near the new Ford Rouge Lightning plant who can give us updates and maybe photos of the progress of the factory? Can we build a topic in the forums around Rouge Plant progress?
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