Wow am I the first one in Canada with a VIN/Production Date???

what happened I thought they would send out the chargers 2 or 3 week before you get the truck
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Lots of Ev here now, we didn’t get any rebates or concessions and there are none on my truck either. Quebec and Ontario got incentives and that moved up your numbers.
Since we outed the wicked witch in Ontario the rebate has ended. I'm not upset about that, it's silly the government pays us with out own money. Conversely to that, that money we pay in carbon tax should actually be available to us. Like with a lot of things the current federal government is making it look like they're doing something with the rebate but in actuality almost no cars actually qualify for it. Great+ they've increased the ceiling for trucks but the Lightning is, and will be the cheapest electric truck for years yet the XLT extirange doesn't qualify...