Tax credit gone for reservation holder of 2022

I placed my reservation summer 2021.

Obviously if I get one it will be in 2023. They’ve raise the price $7000 and I lost my $7500 tax refund. That puts me in the market for a used one. What a bunch of crap. How can someone making less than $100,000 afford a $50,000 stripped down pick up truck?
I would never refer to a 'PRO' as a 'stripped down pick up truck'... if you've actually sat in one and drove one, and like me, OWN one.
This is the very reason it is SO popular, it is actually NOT stripped 'down'...
Almost EVERY conversation and youtube reviews and discussion refer to this great PRO as being the Best Value of ANY Electric Vehicle
on the MARKET, period. Some who own the Lariat at twice the price have commented that they WISHED they had just bought TWO Pros!
I would never refer to a 'PRO' as a 'stripped down pick up truck'... if you've actually sat in one and drove one, and like me, OWN one.
This is the very reason it is SO popular, it is actually NOT stripped 'down'...
Almost EVERY conversation and youtube reviews and discussion refer to this great PRO as being the Best Value of ANY Electric Vehicle
on the MARKET, period. Some who own the Lariat at twice the price have commented that they WISHED they had just bought TWO Pros!
Right. That is why I was trying to order. But yours cost 15000 less than mine will in 2023. In 2022 the sticker is 41K, 47800 in 2023 and I could get a rebate of 7500 under Republican rule, no rebate under the Liberal rule. Makes no damn sense.
I would never refer to a 'PRO' as a 'stripped down pick up truck'... if you've actually sat in one and drove one, and like me, OWN one.
This is the very reason it is SO popular, it is actually NOT stripped 'down'...
Almost EVERY conversation and youtube reviews and discussion refer to this great PRO as being the Best Value of ANY Electric Vehicle
on the MARKET, period. Some who own the Lariat at twice the price have commented that they WISHED they had just bought TWO Pros!
Most people who bought a Lariat wished they had had the opportunity to buy the Pro.
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Right. That is why I was trying to order. But yours cost 15000 less than mine will in 2023. In 2022 the sticker is 41K, 47800 in 2023 and I could get a rebate of 7500 under Republican rule, no rebate under the Liberal rule. Makes no damn sense.
If you get an invite before January 1 2023 and place your order with your $500 down that Ford is now making us do you can take the $7500 tax credit. The article at the top of this page is wrong according to Ford and my tax man. Also both Tax pill were Democratic pills
If you get an invite before January 1 2023 and place your order with your $500 down that Ford is now making us do you can take the $7500 tax credit. The article at the top of this page is wrong according to Ford and my tax man. Also both Tax pill were Democratic pills
Not sure this is precisely correct. According to the IRS website, it must be ordered and delivered before January 1, 2023.

"Vehicles Purchased and Delivered between August 16, 2022 and December 31, 2022​

If you purchase and take possession of a qualifying electric vehicle after August 16, 2022 and before January 1, 2023, aside from the final assembly requirement, the rules in effect before the enactment of the Inflation Reduction Act for the EV credit apply (including those involving the manufacturing caps on vehicles sold). If you entered into a written binding contract to purchase a new qualifying vehicle before August 16, 2022, see the rule above."
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Not sure this is precisely correct. According to the IRS website, it must be ordered and delivered before January 1, 2023.

"Vehicles Purchased and Delivered between August 16, 2022 and December 31, 2022​

If you purchase and take possession of a qualifying electric vehicle after August 16, 2022 and before January 1, 2023, aside from the final assembly requirement, the rules in effect before the enactment of the Inflation Reduction Act for the EV credit apply (including those involving the manufacturing caps on vehicles sold). If you entered into a written binding contract to purchase a new qualifying vehicle before August 16, 2022, see the rule above."
I was going by what Ford has on our order form and my tax guy it looks like they could be wrong
